Your problem:

Large number of unconnected systems?
You have to enter data multiple times?

Our solution:

All in one - integrated system solution!
You only enter data once central!

Arrange a free demo!

Your problem:

No connection to your business partners?
Your purchasing/distribution is laborious?

Our solution:

Electronic interfaces!
We automate your purchasing/sales!

Arrange a free demo

Your problem:

Lack of sales control?
You lose valuable yields?

Our solution:

Professional multi channel sales!
We increase your profits!

Arrange a free demo

Software for tour operators and travel portals

ERP (Tour operator system)

eTO – fully integrated

eTO – fully integrated

Mapping your trips from planning to processing. Everything in one integrated system with an easy-to-use interface. No time-consuming, error-prone multiple data entry.

eTO – totally connected

eTO – totally connected

Electronic interfaces in the areas of procurement, sales and administration ensure time- and cost-saving processes as well as the automation and dynamization of your entire business model.

eTO – enormously dynamic

eTO – enormously dynamic

Multi-channel sales using professional quota, price and sales channel management. Provide targeted products, prices, availability and conditions at sales channel/partner level.

All functions at a glance

eTO ERP - modular software for travel portals and tour operators


The flexible software platform eTO ERP for the travel trade maps the process chain of tour operators and travel portals, from purchasing to sales. Designed as a modular system, it has a modern, robust and powerful architecture. eTO ERP consists of numerous so-called “software modules”, some of which are web-based and cover all the requirements of modern tour operator business and travel sales. Use eTO ERP for the production and booking of camping vacations and vacation apartments, yacht charter trips, special trips, package tours, air travel, boat trips, coach trips, group trips, individual trips and any other type of travel service. The basic modules of eTO ERP already offer a wide range of options for mapping your product range.

A module for every process

Each module maps a specific process of service provision, procurement, production & reservation, sales and classic back-office areas. All our customers benefit from the continuous further development of the software as a result of new customer requirements. You benefit from our more than 25 years of experience in the tourism industry - our motto is “from practice for practice”. We create your individual system solution, consisting of basic modules and the additional functionalities and interfaces required for your business process. With eTO ERP you get the complete spectrum: from functions for classic tour operators and travel portals to ultra-modern requirements. This makes us your ideal partner to accompany you continuously on your growth path.

Functional features of eTO ERP
Technical features of eTO ERP
Overview of the functional and system structure of eTO ERP

eTO ERP - Core module: Production & Reservation

The core module “Production & Reservation” is the modern heart of our production and sales platform eTO ERP. It features comprehensive master data management and flexible administration for your own company, customers, sales partners and service providers. The eTO service master allows flexible product creation and calculation, while the customer and agency master is equipped with extensive CRM functions. Furthermore, document and user management, convenient transaction management with booking mask and product finder - your bookings are managed in versions so that the complete booking history is traceable. In addition, eTO has a comprehensive and modern quota management system. Sales management: Product offers can be bundled in catalogs and can also be defined with different prices and quotas in combination with an efficient yield management system for each sales partner. The integrated tourism accounting system sets appropriate tax rates and forms the basis for connecting accounting systems.

eTO Administration

eTO can be flexibly adapted to the specific processes of a travel producer. The prerequisite for this is the free configuration of codes and designations throughout the system. All areas, i.e. service providers and their products, customers and agencies, etc. can also be assigned self-defined characteristics, so-called attributes. Combined with the geo-logic, which can also be freely administered, eTO achieves a high degree of intelligence, which is an important prerequisite for functioning online book ability.


  • User rights management, user groups online and offline
  • Transaction settings with types and status, payment method control
  • Customer and agency types, service provider types etc.
  • Multi-brand, -language and -currency control
  • accounting and tax settings
  • And much more…
eTO Service Suppliers and eTO Service Repository
eTO Sales Orders & Reservation
eTO Allotment Repository
eTO CRM - Customers and Agencies Repository
Additional functionalities

eTO ERP - Content Management System

Central management of travel content in eTO ERP directly on the product and on the geo tree. Intelligent image importers and freely definable text structures make your product management child's play. All content is of course displayed in WYSIWYG before you release the publication within the booking engine and your website.
Sophisticated ChatGPT Interface for AI generated content, also in mass production mode.

eTO ERP – Content Management System
  • Headless content management system for booking engine and website integrated in eTO ERP
  • User-friendly input of image and description content directly at the service provider
  • Mapping of the entire geo-logic including geodata, images and descriptions
  • WYSIWYG function throughout
  • Central input, maintenance and web publication release of content
  • AI / ChatGPT generated content also for mass content generation
Additional functionalities

eTO ERP - Back End Modul: Finance & Payments

In addition to the touristic accounting already included in the core module Production & Reservations, the requirements for customer-specific customizable accounting interfaces (DATEV, SAP, Lexware), export of accounts receivable, accounts payable and transaction data as well as the import of payment documents according to the EU interbank standard are created here. Furthermore, this module enables automatic registration of incoming payments (down payments/residual payments) for direct and agency collections as well as customer payments, including assignment to suitable transactions and comparison of incoming service provider invoices with eTO transaction data.

Possibility to connect payment service providers (credit cards, SEPA and instant bank transfer) to manage credit card payments in particular. Further details can be found in the “Electronic interfaces” module.

eTO Finance

The financial accounting area is customized and basically divided into accounts receivable, accounts payable, commissions and payments. Furthermore: Transaction data, revenue accounts, tax accounts and cost centers. eTO has interfaces for external financial accounting systems such as DATEV, SAP or Lexware.

In the area of accounts receivable financial accounting, incoming payments (deposits/remaining payments) are automatically registered for direct and agency collections as well as customer payments and these incoming payments are automatically assigned to the appropriate transactions.

In the area of accounts payable financial accounting, a comparison of incoming service provider invoices with eTO transaction data is made possible by assigning corresponding incoming invoices to a respective transaction via an automated transaction search.


  • Definition and assignment of respective tax rates for services and commissions
  • Multi-currency management for the subsequent allocation to corresponding price tables or services
  • Exact margin and/or commission calculation for each individual and/or package service
eTO Payments
Additional functionalities

eTO ERP - Back End Modul: Notification & Reporting

Customizable messages, documents & reports, output in various formats, PDF or text files as well as time-controlled option of forwarding to various communication systems such as email, fax, file transfer server. This module also enables the creation of standard reports, MIS and service provider reports in the areas of finance, flights, allocations, operations, agencies as well as automated document dispatch. Furthermore, pax and destination messages, sell & report and CRM reports can be called up flexibly. A partially automated purchasing system generates standardized emails to the service providers for the purchase of services. Modern dashboard functionality for convenient access to key figures and implementation of the requirements of the EU Package Travel Directive.

eTO MIS & Notification Management

eTO MIS Report Management is based on SQL Server Reporting Services. Notifications, documents and reports can be customized and output in different formats such as PDF, text files, Excel or XML as well as in different languages. There is also a time-controlled option for forwarding to various communication systems such as email, fax and file transfer servers. With the reports developed and delivered by etrago as standard, you can generate internal and external statistics and lists and “distribute” these conveniently and flexibly to customers and partners. Report Management is therefore an important building block for optimal data flow in your company.

eTO MIS Report Management has access to all company data and can therefore provide evaluations in all areas,
such as:

  • Financial accounting: liquidity and margin calculations
  • Flights product area: passenger reports
  • Product area allocations: sell & report messages, utilization of guaranteed and/or pro-rata allocations
  • Customer area: CRM reports
  • Sales/agency area: commission statements
  • Service provider area: Kickback calculations
  • Sales order level: Management of minimum/maximum participant numbers for groups
  • And a lot more …
Additional functionalities

eTO ERP - Sales modul: Sales & Web Services

Excellent prerequisites for your travel portal operation, including professional multi-channel sales, of course. Combine direct sales (B2C) with the extensive possibilities of agency sales (B2B2C), stationary and online. Offer your sales partners online and offline sales of your products. You control quotas and availability, offers, sales conditions and sales prices in a targeted and period-specific manner, thereby significantly increasing your profit margins.

Display your products on our eTO IBE and operate your individual Internet booking route on your own website or integrate your IBE on the websites of your sales partners - in their look & feel and with specific offer filters.

eTO Search & Booking Engine and Widget IBE

eTO enables modern, electronic distribution. The eTO booking engine (eTO IBE) is a highly specialized solution that outputs data from your travel products and receives the corresponding information for processing in eTO. You will be able to operate your own Internet booking process with the option of using our fully responsive widget-based and ready-to-use IBE and/or setting up your own booking engine based on our standardized search & book interface.

We offer the following functionalities and features as standard as part of the eTO IBE:

  • Extensive search queries by topic, geography and time as an auto-suggest and/or auto-complete function.
  • A wide variety of filter functions make result lists more accurate
  • Binding information on availability, conditions and final prices in real time
  • Integrated payment processing: bank transfer, credit cards, Paypal, etc.
  • Automatic generation of inquiry, quotation and/or booking processes in the process master (function of an inquiry, quotation and booking engine)
  • Duplicate comparison or recognition of existing customers with the customer addresses generated via IBE
  • Operating model: eTO Widget IBE: Easy to integrate into any website, easily customizable in look & feel, seamlessly connected to the eTO ERP and your websites
  • Operating model: Native IBE integrated into your website and with the eTO ERP without breaks in the customer journey up to the shopping cart checkout
eTO Caches
eTO Agency Management
eTO Sales Channel Management
eTO Sales Control
eTO Electronic Sale
Additional functionalities

eTO ERP - Interface Modul: Electronic Interfaces

By connecting programs and components, you increase the efficiency of your processes and thus create significant added value for your company, your visitors, customers and business partners.

By implementing an interface, we meet the respective requirements for the structure and format of the data, integrate bookable and non-bookable content and automate process control. With the right data flow and function sequence, we provide you with extensive connections as well as import and export options in the areas of procurement (e.g. flights, accommodation, package tours, insurance, car rentals), sales in terms of channel management and administration (e.g. accounting, payment processing via payment service providers, entry requirements, task management).

eTO E-Procurement

Electronic procurement is indispensable in many areas and one of the most efficient ways to organize the purchasing of products in terms of prices and availability as well as the procurement of non-bookable content such as descriptions and images. This has the following effects on your business processes:

  • Automated procurement of prices and availabilities of a wide range of components in real time
  • Synchronization of all data with your ERP system (eTO ERP)
  • Access to a wide range of external content and therefore significant expansion of your product portfolio
  • Complete automation of handling processes for your service providers and purchasing instances
  • Possibility of packaging third-party content with your own content and thus product differentiation
  • Increase your shopping basket and therefore your total sales and revenue
  • Absolute transparency of your margins and transaction data

eTO E-Distribution
eTO E-Administration
APIs and Plugins Purchase
APIs Sales
APIs Administration

High scalability, multi-tenancy

Efficiency gain without sacrificing flexibility

Dynamic creation of modular and package tours

Multilingual, multi-currency and multi-brand capable

Dynamic content creation with AI interface

Consistent WYSIWYG function

Automatic image size calculation

Mapping of the entire geo-logic

Secure and easy connection

of accounting systems

Simple customer and payment processing

Automated information/reporting system

Comprehensive and

flexible MIS

Customer-specific notifications

Modern sales channel and sales partner management

eTO IBE - easy to integrate into websites

Availability check

and booking

directly in eTO

eTO portal solution for online sales of own and third-party products

Easy to expand,

high connectivity

Fully automated

(core) processes

Packaging of external and internal services - product differentiation

Drastic expansion

of the distribution network


etrago GmbH

A Stümpflingstraße 16 a
DE 82031 Grünwald
T + 49 (0)89-215 45 67-0

Your eTO-team is at your disposal.

Mon to Fri 09:00 – 18:00




Never miss a thing again


© 2024 etrago GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Stümpflingstraße 16 a
82031 Grünwald